One question that usually comes up as soon as the ‘ber months rolls-in is that will freelancers also get a 13th month pay? Are their clients required by law to honor this Christmas tradition in the country? There are more and more Filipino freelancers catering to overseas clients these days. These pinoy freelancers work from the comfort of their home doing different tasks. In the Philippines, the month of December is a highly anticipated month, not only because of the Christmas season but because of the 13th month pay. And for lucky folks, there is even a Christmas bonus on top of the extra-month pay. Do we hear 14th month, 15th month? We wish! :) What is the 13th month pay? This corresponds to one month extra pay for employees who have worked for a company for one whole year, payable on or before December 24. If the employee worked in the company for at least 1 month but less than 12 months within the year, said employee is still entitled to receive ...