Do you have an aunt, a tita, a friend who is very close to you and who happen to love plants and are collecting them? We have these gift ideas perfect for the garden lovers out there.
We’re sure you have someone in mind, a plantita or a garden lover, that brought you on Paskong Pinoy’s website on this particular article. That’s thoughtfulness, we think. 🙂
Christmas gifting has become a burden for some that they just do last minute shopping and get whatever’s on sale in the mall or that item on buy 1 take 1 offer. But nope not you. You are researching because you know that part of the true essence of giving gifts is thinking about the person you want to give gift to. Not a generic aguinaldo, but something you really took time to think about.
This year with most of us confined in our homes for months due to the community quarantine, a lot of us have discovered new interests. Some are now experts in Tiktok, cooking, baking, dancing, singing, bartering, and some became certified plant addict and gardeners.
For our beloved plant tita / tito, plant mommies /daddies, gardeners, plant momma, we have here a list of highly recommended gifts that they will adore.
Rare and Highly Coveted Plants
If you can open the heart of a certified plantita, you’ll definitely see their longing and wishes for those rare plants with big, stunning leaves.
Imagine you walking through their door bringing a gift of rare plants and they spot you and your gift. Eyes lit-up, smiles become wider and wider, some may even jump for joy. Such is the allure of the big leaves plant coveted by almost all who are into plant collecting.
Go big on gifting this Christmas season, go for the trending and most sought after rare plants. What are these? We recommend Monstera deliciosa, Ficus elastica (rubber tree), fiddle leaf fig, Monstera adansonii, Monstera Thai Constellation, all specie of Monstera, and Anthurium Jenmanii.

However, those mentioned above are a bit on the pricey side. If budget is a bit tight, we recommend going for potted caladiums, alocasias, calatheas, philodendrons, anthuriums, orchids, aglaonemas, pothos, sanseverias.
There are still lots of other plant varieties that fits any budget that will definitely speak volume sa iyong pagpahalaga sa bibigyan ng regalo.
Pots and More Pots
Aside from plants, plantitas and plantitos can never have enough of pots – clay, ceramic, terracotta, fiber cast stones, plastic pots, hanging pots, lots of choices.
Our recommendation is to get decorative pots with at least 5 inches in diameter. But if the would be recipient is into cactus and succulents, best to get clay pots around 3.5 cm to 5 cm in diameter. If you are in Metro Manila, there are lots of option among the garden shops inside the Cubao Farmer’s Market. There are also lots of pots offered online that you may want to check out.
When it comes to color, if you can find white colored pots, that is the best.
Plant Baskets
A plantita will want to display their babies in the best possible light and one way to do this is to put the potted plants inside a weaved basket. Where to get good deals? Bicol! But if that’s too far from you, you can order online from Bicol-based handicraft sellers.
Usually baskets made of native materials like rattan and seagrass are handweaved and comes in small, medium, large, and extra-large sizes. The price will depend on the size, design and material used.

Plants placed in native baskets bring subdued sophistication to the room, so look no further, make this your gift to your favorite one.
Plant Stand
Another good gift idea for the plantita is a plant stand. You can go for big wooden plant stands or the slender metallic colored steel or iron stands. You can go for single or stand sets.
Since this gift idea is bulky, you may want to have it delivered when you go visit the gift-recipient.
Macrame Plant Hangers
For the plantita who loves hanging plants, the best gift idea we can think of is to give her macrame plant hangers. We suggest to get the white colored ones for that clean, classic look.
Price of this plant accessory depends on the complexity of the design, size, and used materials.

Garden Tools
For the kikay one, why not give her brightly colored gardening tools set. Pretty sure she already has tools, but heyyy it’s always good to have back-ups. You can check out garden shops and hardware like True Value, DIY Hardware, and Ace Hardware to find one.
Another tool that the garden lovers may not thought of but can use is a soil ph water moisture checker, these are available online for usually less than P500.
Is it okay to give fertilizers, vermicast, garden soil, peebles, nutrisoil mixtures, insecticides, and the likes? Those are also good options that the planter can definitely use but take note that those items are consumables, if your intention is to give gifts that will last longer, go for non-consumable gifts.
Whatever you choose as your gift, we’re sure that the receiver will appreciate it wholeheartedly for you’ve given them and their interest’s special thought.